Why Carpenter Ants Invade Chicago Properties

Carpenter ants crawling on wood
If you were to build your dream home, what would it be made out of? Would you use marble for the floors, polished iron for the railings on your stairs, or polished brass for the fixtures? Whatever you decided to use, wood would most likely be the primary material used. Unfortunately, this means that even if you owned a several million-dollar home, it could still be susceptible to carpenter ant problems. Fortunately, these pests are far from unpreventable. Here is why carpenter ants might want to invade your Chicago property, and what you should do to stop them.

What Are Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are the largest pest species of ants in North America. Typically, these pests are reddish-black, ⅝” long, and have larger heads than other area ants. A carpenter ant’s diet mainly consists of proteins and sugars, two base ingredients that are found in things like honeydew, dead insects, pet food, and almost all forms of human food and drinks. When carpenter ants nest within homes, they gain easy access to interior spaces which allows them to regularly scavenge for food and water. This is good for you, as it means you are likely to see these pests crawling around long before they can deal serious damage to your home.

Why Carpenter Ants Invade Homes

Unlike termites, another wood-destroying pest that affects homes in our area, carpenter ants do not consume wood. They dig tunnels through it to build intricate nests to live within. These pests cannot, however, tunnel through a structure of wood unless it is water-damaged, rotting, or in decay. Carpenter ants look for wood that is affected in this way around properties, so if your home or one of your outbuildings provides this necessity, there is a good chance it will become infested.

The Extent Of Carpenter Ant Damage

Carpenter ants are not as destructive as termites. For one, termites never sleep, while carpenter ants take roughly 250 one-minute naps per day. Termites are also harder to identify, as the only time they will come out into the open is when scouting for a new place to build a nest, unlike carpenter ants who regularly crawl around homes looking for things to eat and drink. 

Finally, carpenter ants don’t need wood to survive. They only create new tunnels to accommodate the growth of their colony, where termites constantly harvest wood to consume and feed their colonies. All of this said carpenter ants can still cause a serious amount of damage if left unaddressed. If you suspect your home has an active infestation, do not wait to have these pests eliminated. 

How To Get Rid Of A Carpenter Ant Infestation

Eliminating carpenter ants is not something you can do on your own. It requires industrial-grade pest control products and a highly-trained pest technician to apply treatments to the right areas in the right amounts. Fortunately, Aerex Pest Control has you covered. Our team knows what they are doing and has their finger on the pulse of current pest control methods. With only one service visit, we will not only start you on your road to a carpenter ant-free home, but implement strategies to make sure it stays that way for good. Get in touch today to discuss our comprehensive pest control plans or schedule your Chicago home for a thorough pest inspection.

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