Everything You Should Know About Flea Control In Chicago

Flea crawling on someone's skin.
Fleas are tiny, measuring just 0.1 to 0.32 centimeters long, but this pests’ size is nothing compared to their superhero-like capabilities. Fleas can jump up to 30,000 times in a row and reach heights more than a foot high. They also have super strength and can lift objects that exceed 150 times their body weight.    
Fleas also reproduce at high rates. Each adult female produces 40 to 50 eggs in a single day and 2,000 in her lifetime, which can easily make a small flea problem grow into an infestation seemingly overnight. 
Read on for more about the lifecycle of fleas in Chicago and the diseases that fleas can transmit. We will give you tips for natural flea prevention, and you will discover the trick to getting rid of fleas in your Chicago home for good. 

The Lifecycle Of Fleas In Chicago

Fleas typically live for anywhere from 30 to 90 days on average. After flea larvae become adults, they only have seven days to find a host; otherwise, they will perish. 

There are four stages in a flea’s lifecycle, depending on temperate conditions, such as temperature and humidity. The four stages are:

  1. Egg: Flea eggs hatch within one to 10 days, larvae emerge
  2. Larvae.:For five to 20 days, larvae move about and feed on flea dirt, a combination of blood and flea excrement. 
  3. Pupa: After this period, larvae will spin a pupa, or cocoon, to emerge anywhere from three days up to one year later. 
  4. Adult: Adult fleas will not emerge from their pupa until a host is nearby. A few hours after emerging from its pupa, adult female fleas will feed on a host and then mate and lay their eggs.

The Diseases Fleas In Chicago Can Transmit

There are several diseases that fleas in Chicago and elsewhere can transmit. Some of the most common flea-borne diseases include:

  • Plague, most commonly transmitted by infected ground squirrel fleas.
  • Flea-borne typhus, transmitted to people via cat fleas.
  • Cat-scratch disease, transmitted to humans usually after they are scratched by a cat infected with flea-borne typhus or from suffering from a scratch infected with flea dirt. 

There are also flea-borne parasites, such as tapeworms, which can spread to people and pets if they accidentally swallow an infected flea.

Natural Flea Prevention Tips For Chicago Homes

Although the most effective measure to prevent fleas is professional services, Chicago homeowners can utilize a few natural flea prevention tips. Here are three:

  1. Use Essential Oils: The most effective essential oils for eradicating fleas are citronella, peppermint, neem, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils. Combine 10 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oil with eight ounces of water and put the concoction into a spray bottle, and spray home entryways and window seams, and in and around bedding, as well as your pet’s coat.
  2. Frequently Wash Bedding: Fleas can’t survive high-heat conditions, so washing bedding often and on high heat can eradicate any fleas that may be unknowingly lurking. 
  3. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth On Fleas: Diatomaceous earth is a powder made from the fossils of aquatic organisms known as diatoms. Sprinkling diatomaceous earth on fleas absorbs the oils on their exoskeletons and dries them out.

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Fleas In Your Chicago Home For Good

The most effective way to eradicate fleas from your Chicago home is with help from pest control services. The professionals at Aerex Pest Control have more than 70 years of industry experience and offer residential pest control services that are specific to the needs of your home—and they’re guaranteed.
If you suspect bed bugs or other pests in your Chicago home, call Aerex Pest Control today.

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